Frequently Asked Questions

What is this?

A video game bounty board.

How does the Discord bot work?

After inviting the bot to your server, the bot will add a specific Emoji. When you post a bounty in your Discord server, react to the post with the TurboBoard emoji and it will automatically appear on the website.

How does the website work?

The website is aggregator of bounties people have posted in their Discords.

What if I use the emoji not on a bounty?

The posts are monitored and will be purged if they appear to be fake or spam. Excessive spam would result in the server being banned.

Can I add the emoji manually?

If the emoji failed to add (if you were at the server limit), you can add the image below with the reaction name turbot

Turbot emoji

Can TurboBoard contribute to my bounty?

If you've created a bounty and would like TurboBoard to contribute, join our Discord or send us an email and we'll chat.

Who are you?

I'm a Consultant in Toronto. If you'd like to view my credentials you can click here.

There's also a few people that help out behind the scenes, so if you're looking to help you can join our Discord.